Looking for Internships?

Internships at Zaxby’s give students and recent graduates an opportunity to acquire the kind of real-world experience that’s crucial when moving on to the next stage of their careers. Zaxby’s Internship Program helps young people learn the skills and values they will need to successfully navigate the modern workplace. Zaxby’s Internship Program helps young people learn the skills and values they will need to successfully navigate the modern workplace.

(Bonus: Our interns have the opportunity to eat as many delicious Zaxby’s meals as they would like at our locations.)

As a Zaxby’s intern, you get to participate in a number of activities –

  • A living History Vision and Values tour
  • A team building ropes course activity
  • “Lunch and Learn” discussions with senior executives and other key leaders
  • Assessments and facilitated sessions to provide self-awareness so that the student will have a chance to learn new skills, explore career interests and meet new social and intellectual goals

Read Our FAQ’s

A: The types of internships Zaxby's offers varies year-to-year based on what positions are needed. You can choose internships based on your skill set and interests. Visit our careers page to check out the different opportunities that are available.